After John & Di left, it didn’t take us long to get back
to normal – not sure I can even define that but it is definitely quieter. Barb is back to her quilting projects and I started building the aluminum wind spinners again – keeps me out of trouble. I have been drinking Moosehead and the green and gold cans make nice looking spinners. I also washed the truck and trailer over 2 days.
I still have not been able to convert our TV satellite to HD. All the cabling proves to be fine but the multi switch does not recognize the LNBFs on the dish. We are going to Terri’s to do laundry so I’ll take the switch with us to install on their HD system and see if it works. It did but then we couldn’t get their system back working. Bell was of no help and I turned to the web for assistance. There is a process that you have to follow to ensure the devices are reset so they will work again – who knew – I sure didn’t! Anyway all is good but still no signal so trying to get Bell out to install proper dish & LNBFs. They agreed so now we wait to see if they will really come to the campground – they refused last fall!
Our neighbors, Bev & John invited us to their campfire so we said why not, it’s Monday and the campground is quiet and it’s always good to meet new people. The next day we were to have our doctors appointments and blood tests so no booze at the campfire – isn’t that wrong somehow? Anyway, a good time was had and we were surprised at how late is was when we turned in so we must have had fun.
On Tuesday we left the campground early as we would be travelling during rush hour in Toronto and did not want to miss our appointments. Would you believe it, we were almost an hour early! Coming home was a different matter – 3+ hours where it only took us 90 minutes going! After the docs, we stopped off at
Larry’s to visit and all is good there.
Wednesday is our ‘tour day’ so we ventured out to Tiffany Falls, between Ancaster and Dundas. It was a short walk on a good path to the look out below the veiled falls. It was not too busy, we took a few pictures and headed home. On Friday we decided to beat the heat and get out early to the Hamilton Brantford Rail Trail. The trail is almost perfect – needs to be down hill both ways and the wind at my back – but we had a nice ride anyway. We did 11 Kms in total and when done, knew we did it!
This weekend is Canada’s 145 birthday and the park will be jammed with weekenders and will be noisy! The Canadian flags are everywhere – why aren’t we this patriotic all the time? The campground folks have been working hard to get the pool open for this weekend and to our surprise, he made it! Friday night, some of the ‘weekenders’ were letting off some steam and did not settle down until after 1:00AM – wow, they were noisy. Saturday night was much different so someone must have spoken to the rabble rousers.
To all our Canadian readers and friends, we hope you had a nice Canada Day and to our American neighbors, happy 4th of July.
good thing for tractor seat on ur scooter ,11 klms ,wow lots of itchy bottoms hehe.. ok sounds like fun all around ,see you guys in a couple of weeks,get lots of rest between now and then ,,ray says he will stay up late hehe ,,we will see, ttyl and great big huggs