Quick, hide, they’re coming! Ahhh, we can’t. They have come to join us here for some chit chat, a few brewskies and maybe some laughs. That is John & Di, Ray & Donna (aka crusty) and Jack & Barb, fellow RVers that enjoy getting together. John managed to reserve 3 sites side by each and after they roll in, we all exchange grand hellos and hugs. Barb & I leave them to set up and await under the awning. When John & Di pulled in, we could see something hanging down below the trailer that didn’t look normal – we’ll get to that later.
All set up and the catch up begins – we haven’t seen Jack & Barb since the Escapee Escapade at Goshen in 2010 and Ray & Donna last fall. You can review last years antics here. So we had a lot to talk about, a lot to laugh at and good times all around. Conversations were carried on through dinner and soon the dominos were broken out for an evening of Mexican Train for 8! Playing 8, the game can move quickly but the scores can get high quickly but the fun and laughs are often.
We all have our own ‘normal’ morning routines but we soon collect at Jack & Barb’s – they have a ‘Patty O Room’ enclosure which helps to keep
the bugs away – for a coffee enhanced with Baily’s! After a couple of cups, that kinda reduces your desire to do to much else but we get the bikes down and load everyone up for a tour around the campground. It’s not too big a ride, maybe 3 Kms if you do all the roads but we get back to our camp sites all ready for another beverage.
It’s time to investigate what is hanging down on John & Di’s trailer – holy crap John, it’s nothing too serious, it’s just half a leaf spring – the helper springs have completely disappeared! The front axle only has the spring set attached to the front shackle, the rear half is gone so not too much holding that axle in place – one good bump and….. So a plan is set – we’ll take off the broken parts tomorrow and the guys will head off and get a new leaf spring and replace it. It should be an easy job once we get the old set off – what’s that saying? ‘It’s never easy’!
It was Mexican Train each night after a dinner. Thanks to Jack & Barb for setting up their screen room so we could play out doors at night.
Today is fix it day. The first challenge is to get the old hardware off the trailer. We had blocks of wood everywhere, several jacks and a little guy to go under the trailer – yea Jack! The going was a little slow getting the old nuts loose and pounding
the bolt plate off etc. Jack & John did all the heavy lifting while the ladies, Ray & I sat in the shade keeping an eye on the hard workers. By 10:30, all the old stuff was off and we were in the truck heading to the local RV shop to find a new leaf spring. No luck there except they did tell us where there was a parts distributor that does retail. We tried Princess Auto first but no luck again so off to the other guy. By now we have been out a couple of hours but John & Di didn’t want to stay for the rest of the summer so we had to carry on and get the parts.
Back at the site now and it shouldn’t take long to put the new spring in. There I go again, nothing is easy right? We had to take the rear tire off to equalize the rear spring and give us more room to get the new spring in. All bolted into the shackles but we can’t get the ‘U’ bolts to line up – oops, we were trying to use the wrong bolt holes – now it should be easy! Damn, we still can’t get the spring to set correctly on the axle! Holy shackle batman, we mounted it upside down! The shackle bracket has to be up, not down. Off comes the stuff again so we can flip the shackle bracket up and now it all fits together almost like we knew what the hell we were doing! Wow, put all this stuff away and bring on some beers!
We had our dinners together and tonight Jack & Barb hosted a fish fry after we completed repairs on John & Di’s trailer. They brought approx. 130 perch filets that they caught over a couple of days of fishing last week. They tasted great and we all had a big feed. Wow, thanks Jack & Barb.
The visit ends all too soon – I’m sure we could have found other problems on our other trailers to work on! Oh, we did. Donna was telling us her hot water had a terrible smell. Dianne came up with some bleach so, using the pump and the winterizing hose, we pumped bleach into the hot water tank to sanitize it. Now, I think next visit, we’ll have a list of items that we need done!
So, Friday morning our buds are hitching up and heading home. Barb & I host a ‘hitch up’ breakfast, not because we are nice,
we just wanted to be sure they didn’t have a delay in leaving LOL :0)! Kidding of course. Our life is back to normal once again, Barb’s sewing centre set up and I get to get at some of our own trailer projects.
Wishing you well out there….
wow what a piece of cake when the brains all get going..thanks to all the back yard mechanics ,and we really did have a grand time with you guys ,as always,,ok ttyl and huggs.