Moving day and it is pouring rain! We drove in and out of rain showers all day, all the way to Woodstock. We arrive at the campground and were lucky enough to set up in the rain! By the time we were done, the sun was shining, go figure.
After we were set up, we met up with Dave & Zen, our long time friends since London, before we moved to Toronto in 1980.
July 23
We’re on our own today so we toured around Woodstock, the Covered Bridge Potato Chip factory in Hartland and of course, the world’s longest covered bridge in Hartland. The evening was spent sharing stories, laughs and having a good time with old friends.
July 24
Today, we thought we would drive over to Millville to see the reported (according to the tourist info) world largest maple leaf! Huh! I think that was misinformation! Not much to see but the drive over the ridge was nice except for the road construction! On our way we saw a covered bridge route sign and thought we would go find it! Well, we started out down a gravel road that became narrow and very rocky and then muddy so we decided that it was not for us. On the circular route back to Woodstock, we see another covered bridge sign and thought maybe it was the other entry to the first one so down we go. This road is better but again narrows and we are soon at a cross road but it is an ATV and snowmobile trail! Yikes how do we get ourselves into these circumstances? Still no covered bridge in site so get us outta here!
July 25
We have a tee time tomorrow to
Back to Dave & Zen’s for dinner and an evening of card games and more laughs. A great time had by all.
Golf day or should I say it was golf course irrigation day! Some of us teed off on one and the skies opened up and down poured – where’s the shelter? Ok, so we crowded into the unused starters hut on the first tee! That was a sight! After a few minutes, the rain was gone and some sunshine sneaked through and that was what it was like for the whole way around, 3-4 minutes of rain then some sun! We all had a good time anyway and it was a nice golf course with great views! After dinner and more laughs, we said our farewells once more.
July 27
Moving day again! We had a short
July 28
We move onto a campground about 30 minutes from Quebec City. We arrive early and get set up but soon the rains chase us inside for the remainder of the day!
July 29
We decide to follow the ? mark for an information centre. The closest one took us to Levis. The information centre did not have any English info! What happened to this bilingual country? Do only the predominately English provinces have to provide both French and English information? Enough on my soap box!
We decided that since the ferry
July 30
Up early so we can get through Montreal before the rush hour of Friday on a long weekend! We got through Montreal with no delays and decided to do lunch on the west side. We see a Parks Canada historical site and thought that it would be a good place to pull into to have a break and lunch! Wrong! It took us down some very narrow streets we would have to make a right turn that I know we couldn’t do! So, took a left which wasn’t much better and ended up on a no exit street so had to make another left with parked cars along the right! Wow, it was tight but thank goodness, the curbs were low and allowed us to get around and out we went!
The rest of the drive to Kemptville where Kristi (our niece) lives was uneventful!
Kristi and Cal have a beautiful home, a little bigger than the one they had in Inuvik, NWT! We caught up with their new lives in their new home and traded stories with them on ours.
Aug 1
It is moving day again and back to the Toronto area. We had a great trip to NB and PEI. We’re both exhausted and looking forward to leaving the jacks down for a month before we’re off on another adventure!
yes its kinda one sided the language issue there ,what no ice cream shops in quebec ,ok will be good to see u and trade stories on ur trip..ttyl and hugs