I have no explanation for taking soooo long to update our blog except that we are tooo busy having fun and I still ask the same question – is this legal? Anyway, January ends with Barb, Marti, Ann & Kelli taking in a live play in Pensacola and can you guess what it was about? Well, if you chose anything other than quilting, you were wrong. Yes, a live stage play with quilting as the theme. They started with lunch and then onto downtown Pensacola to the play. The ladies had a great time and recommended the play to other quilters here at the Plantation.
Mardis Gras was early this year with the craziness at the Plantation starting on the first Friday of February. It kicks off with a dinner – of course, we’re Escapees and there is always a good reason to dine – then once this years King & Queen have been identified, they go off to dress in their Royal garb, get sworn in and then the party of skits, singing and all
around silliness beginns until Fat Tuesday. This years theme was the circus and all that it brings. Who said ‘send in the clowns’?
On Saturday, Tom & Cheryl and Barb & I went to the Mullet
Mates parade at Point Clear on Mobile Bay. It’s a small community parade and that is perfect for us. The floats are creative albeit mostly home made and the throws are good – this year Barb caught a small stuffed tiger – and you can get up close and personal to watch the fun. After, we wandered into Fairhope, prowled around the artsy town and French Quarter and ended up at
McSharries for a beverage. Sunday was a quiet day except for the Ice Cream social and of course, more skits and good times celebrating Mardis Gras here at the Plantation.
Our highlight of Monday was the Plantation’s rendition of a Mardis Gras parade. Golf carts, bikes and trikes all decorated in green, gold, and purple. The King & Queen were on the last ‘float’ of utility wagon, tossing beads and moon pies at the throngs of parade attendees! I was honoured to be asked to be part of the Military Honour Guard. I made sure the organizer knew that I did not have miltary experience but he said it didn’t matter so I carried the POW MIA flag. It was a thrill for me and I carried it proudly!
Barb & I took in the night parade in Fairhope. It was a little cool but hey, it is winter here too.
After the Tuesday dinner, there was more skits, jokes
and the grand finale to remove the King and Queen from their thrones! It is almost as dramtical as when they are identified at the beginning of Mardis Gras.
Wednesday, the Platation awakens to normalcy with us attending happy hours, lunches at Big Daddy’s and beautiful evenings at the Sunset Grill, watching the sun dip into Moile Bay.
what ,,no way its been that long,we never noticed lol...hearing the good times rolling ,and all the beads ,,flying ,and the your shirt up for them (terry),,great pics and too much fun being had ,,(jealous)..we really need to get down there,,might too late for us ,maybe, but never know ..was wondering where the ice cream stories were,but that was answered ..ok big hugs and ttyl.. see you guys soon , we hope ..travel safe when you roll home ..