NOT,,,, it seems our summer has consisted of nice days during the 1st half of July and then more unpleasant weather since. The 1st half of August has not been really nice, we’ve had some nights down as low as 8 & 9C (40’s F). When we have been out geocaching lately, we have noticed the abundance of pine cones on the evergreens. I always thought that meant a cold winter coming but searching on line, Wiki Answers tells us that more pine cones this year was due to a stressed growing season last year. The only true long range forecaster is the Farmers Almanac and I’m sure you can bet heavily on that! Here is a link for 20 signs of a hard upcoming winter. I’m gonna start counting acorns! Anyway, I’ll move on with our latest adventures instead of grousing about the weather….
After we got back from our weekend at Terri & Mark’s cabin, we met up with a couple we knew in our previous working life – Bob & Sue, we used to golf and have dinners with them. It has only been 13 years since we last saw them. It was over a meal with them that we learned about the Escapees RV Club. Sue’s parent’s were members and Sue said they always had so much fun. Barb said that’s the club for us, we’re escaping with Escapees!
It was a tough afternoon, sitting under an umbrella on the patio at The Lake House, over looking the lake, catching up with friends and sipping some of Ontario’s finest. Finally the waitress suggested we order a meal before the dinner crowds push us out! What a great afternoon visiting with friends and enjoying the day.
Barb is back into the swing of sewing and working on some projects that she created during her video classes while parked at Terri’s. This 3D quilt block is quite striking. I’ve watched her create some pretty amazing stuff with her fabrics.
There is a couple that moved into a site across the street from us that we have become friends with – you probably have seen Randy & Norma in previous posts. We are a little more social since they arrived, happy hours, game nights and just kibitzing back and forth. They have introduced Barb & I to Fast Track, a card and board game similar to Pegs & Jokers. It is fun and as the name implies, fast!
We did some more geocaching and were more successful than in the past. Some cachers find some interesting and sneaky hiding places for their caches. Here, the instructions were to walk around the crops to the cache location but once we got there, we could not locate the dang gum thing. We left it unfound and went back to the truck. We arrived back, we decided to
give it another try but this time, we walked up the gully instead of on top of the gully bank where the crops were and very soon, we found it, part way down the bank right where we were 20 minutes before on the top of the bank!
Our next fun event was Barb’s birthday. I played it
low key all week so she wouldn’t think I had planned anything. We took a river cruise with lunch on the Grand River. When we arrived, we were entertained in their auditorium by the Blazing Fiddles, had refreshments and then escorted to our dining table onboard the Grand River Belle. Once underway, lunch and beverages were soon served. I can’t think of any other relaxing way to spend an afternoon with my best friend and lover! It was good value and I recommend it to anyone.
After, Terri wanted to meet us somewhere for dinner. They were at the cabin and as Barb & I were approaching the Gown and Gavel in Hess Village, we get a text saying they are delayed by 90 minutes at the border coming back into Canada. Oh what to do? Well, we are in Hamilton after all so why not go down to the Fabric & Textile district and browse through Barb’s latest favourite fabric shop? Ooppps, all the shops were closed so lets go back and wait.
By the time we make our way through the traffic and construction, we only arrived back at the restaurant only a few minutes before Terri & Mark. It was a wonderful evening,
again on the patio (do you recognize a theme here) having refreshments and enjoying a meal with Terri & Mark, a nice end to a terrific day. Barb just loved her trackable bugs that they gave for her birthday. If you are a Geocacher watch for our truck if you are in the Halton area.
Have you ever been to a Sunday wedding? We have not, but one of Terri’s best friends invited us to hers. We have known Sam
forever and felt honoured to share her special day. It was a beautiful day for an outdoor wedding at Liuna Gardens. The wedding service was beautiful overlooking the lake. Sam, of course was stunning. The reception was also held there so no one had to drive. It was a nice day.
Well, that’s it for now, we hope all is good where ever you are…..
such a wordsmith ..treat to read your posts ..ok ttyl and cu soon ..oh escapees lunch is on thurs sept5th ,just so you wont come on the wrong day ,,not that you were coming but let you know anyway and huggs