Welcome to our travels and adventures

Welcome to our travels and adventures

Almost Done…. but is it?

1407274 July 29 A Pipe Flipped Its LidIt has been another action packed summer. Last year at this time the furnace and ducts were installed and we could start the plumbing! Wow, it only seems like that was yesterd1507158 Jul 27 Terry Putting On Facias Soffitsay and now we’re finishing up this years outdoor projects. I think it is true, when you get near the end of the roll, everything moves faster!

While we waited with baited breath for the gravel – Jim took a 4 day holiday so we had some extra time – I installed facia and soffits on the garage and Barb found something to do in her quilt room! I’m sure I have lamented about the Ash trees that have to be taken down due to the Emerald 1507131 Jul 18 Border And Embroidery On Lord Of RingsAsh Borer but they are not being taken down soon enough but rather coming down by themselves! On Sunday morning, we heard a load 1507156 Jul 26 Nature Of Things Sandwicheddisturbance outside. We found a large limb laying beside the house and lots of leaves and debris on the roof. There was no damage but when I called, the on call guy came around to see us. Of course, our delay is because of the electric wires and the removal had become a politicol football and no one wants to claim responsibility for the job – they’ll wait until something more serious happens or someone gets hurt!1507153 Jul 26 Branch In Profile

1507161 Jul 28 Gravel Arrives For DrivewaySo, the gravel has arrived and Barb & I are psyched up that1507163 Jul 28 Gravel Hits The Ground it is a small job to distribute and rake it out, after all, it is only 15 tons! You know that it also had to be one of the periods of hot weather just to make it more interesting. We tried having Jim spread it with the truck but the electric and telephone wires were in the way so he dumped the rest in the middle on the driveway. Bring on the wheelbarrow, shovels and rakes, let’s get this done! After a couple of hours, both our clothes were soaking from sweat and we were ready for a break – it 1507170 Jul 29 Filling Up The Last Areamust be happy hour somewhere! While we were sipping a cool one, we noticed a Red Headed Woodpecker busy with the kids in a nearby tree and we were able to get a couple of good shots.1507165 Jul 28 Barb Raking Gravel

We didn’t do much else for the next 4 days, shovel, dump and rake and finally, the driveway was done. As you can see from the photo, we have gravel left so we were going to move it to clear the driveway but we didn’t fancy the notion of touching it more than we have to so off to the rental centre and get that sod cutter again – we decided that it would be smarter to spread the gravel where we finally want it but we have to prep the yard first. It didn’t take us long with the sod cutter or exert too much energy and by the end of the morning, we were ready to spr1507171 Jul 29 End Of Day Big Pile Left On Drivewayead more gravel – hurrah!




1507160 Jul 27 Time For Happy Hour

Hope all is well where you are….1507107 Jul 12 Red Headed Woodpecker Feeding Babies

1 comment:

  1. we are so exhausted just reading about 15 tons of gravel ,, I find it hard to write this blurb..lol.. but my goodness the place looks great ..wishing you lots of bengay for the aches..ok ttyl and hugs
