Barb & I cleaned all the pine needles we collected back at Ashburn. They have to be cleaned and soaked in water before Barb can weave them into her beautiful baskets! Along with laundry, the task of cleaning the ends off took most of the afternoon on Tuesday.
Friday, we returned to Dick and Karla’s. Our stereo receiver finally gave up the ghost – too bad it did go with the other electrical equipment. Sorry, I digress, after lunch, we took our bedroom TV and the receiver for recycling and shopped a little to replace them both. Of course we didn’t go totally prepared with measurements and could only ‘window shop’! Oh well, it gives us a better idea of what we want. Thanks heavens, Dick drove or we probably would have taken much longer finding the places.
Dick & Karla showed us around their town and we toured down to the beach. It’s a beautiful area. We walked a bit on the beach and watched a fisherman try to catch dinner along with the Snowy Egret, Great Egret and a Blue Heron. They didn’t take their eyes off the bait bucket! It was a beautiful day and we headed back for happy hour before going to the Firkin and Fox for dinner. The evening brought us face to face with a new card game that was fun!
Saturday was equally beautiful weather wise. Our friends suggested we return to the beach for ‘all you can eat’ pancakes on the beach! That’s right up my alley! It was great, good food and good company, all while sitting at a cafĂ© table on the beach in the morning sunshine! It was a treat! Of course, after gobbling all the pancakes and sausages, we need to take a walk on the beach to be able to fit me into the car!
Dick and Karla took us over the Tampa Bay Sunshine Skyway Bridge into St Petersburg’s beach. What a view! Check out the web site here . We pulled into a beach area after the Skyway for a break and see lots of Horseshoe crabs that met a sad fate. After this exciting excursion, we head back to their place for lunch and a lawn bowling lesson! I kidded Dick that you know your old when you spend time on the lawn bowling ‘green’! But I ate my words, we had a lot of fun with lots of laughs. Lawn bowling is similar to golf, you know what and where you want your ball to go but it’s another matter to get it there!
Tuesday we had an excursion over to Apollo beach to view the Manatees. It was neat to see them lazing around, enjoying the warm waters from the Tampa Bay Power plant. We saw cat fish, fiddler crabs by the hundreds, spinning sharks jumping out of the water, sting rays swimming by and of course the manatees! We had hoped to launch the kayak to paddle among them but that was not possible. On the way home, we stopped at the side of the road to watch a small flock of Sandhill Cranes! Seeing wildlife is always a thrill!
Our weather here is perfect, mid 70’s and 50’s at night! Hope all is well where ever you are.